Face D

My "Greatest Hit"!* 
i.b. fly (if i could
figga out da hand signs)

A song (?) wherein I lament my status as a rap artist
(which appears to be as a permanent exile).

Actually, considering where the rap industry IS lately,
perhaps that's not such a bad thing after all... ;-)

* Actually, I take too much credit. The music for this was lifted from an old cassette tape of undeveloped music idea clips which was given to me by my friend Jeff ('Rashi') Castanon back in 2000. Unbeknownst to him, I overtractked my 'rap' on top (to which I had previously written the lyrics and had them lying around) after looping his short music clip about 10 times.
  When I handed him a CD with 'my' new song on it for him to check out, he said "That music sure sounds familiar..." :-)

  If you want to hear some REAL - incredible! - music, check out Rashi's site and be amazed... be VERY amazed!

Meanwhile, if you'd like to eMail this song (?) to someone, just copy & paste the following line into an eMail message ...
...and send it to all your friends! :-)
(Don't leave off that ".html" or it won't work! :-o )

(When they click that link in your message, their web browser will open to this page and the song will play automatically.)

Coming soon (We're working on this now...) :
Face D

...the musical
home base of
Paul Andrews
© 2007-2014 Paul Andrews, Ground Support / Face D music
Visitors since 12/10/08: